The Golden Chinese Drama Award is an esteemed annual prize presented by the Pop Golden Awards organization to honor the most outstanding and internationally popular Chinese television series. The award recognizes Chinese dramas that have achieved widespread acclaim and resonance with global audiences. Winners are selected based on a combination of fan votes cast online worldwide, as well as assessments from the Pop Golden Awards’ distinguished panel of judges.
To be nominated and win, Chinese dramas must demonstrate exceptional storytelling, production values, and acting that appeal to international viewers. The award highlights those Chinese series that have made a significant cross-cultural impact through online streaming and fan engagement in multiple countries. By combining fan feedback with judge evaluations, the Golden Chinese Drama Award identifies the landmark Chinese television productions that have gained immense popularity and recognition outside of mainland China each year. The honor serves to celebrate exceptional achievements in Chinese storytelling and acting that have managed to transcend borders and language barriers to impress fans across the globe.
Till The End Of The Moon 长月烬明
The Love You Give Me 你给我的喜欢
Lighter And Princess 点燃我,温暖你
Love Like the Galaxy 星汉灿烂•月升沧海
Who Rules the World 且试天下
Love Between Fairy and Devil 苍兰诀;
Reset 开端
The Oath of Love 余生,请多指教